Technically, this is actually a One Room Challenge reveal that’s nearly a year too late, but we’ll celebrate nonetheless! Before the renovation, this area was in a corner of the old kitchen. I still remember putting masking tape on the floor of the old kitchen trying to figure out the best size for the utility room!!! It may be small but we made it as large as we could. The storage has been a godsend and I’m pretty sure you couldn’t squeeze another thing in here!
Let’s start with the before

Pretty grim yeah? The mold on the wall is from our old kitchen extractor fan which never worked. We installed a new boiler but that pipework clearly needed to be covered up!. On the wall opposite the boiler we created an alcove where the storage from the old utility could be re-used and installed here.
The list of jobs was LONG!
To get the utility room from the pictures you see above to where it is now was completely DIY. Hence why it took so long to get finished!! I removed the laminate on the old utility presses and re- painted them. We built a boiler cover…and I learned how to use a circular saw in the process! Then I created a feature wall using peel and stick wallpaper. We also used some of the timber frames from the walls of the old utility to make these shelves. Oh and then stained them to look like oak using acrylic paint! And let’s not forget painting the walls, ceiling, skirting, boiler cover…pretty much EVERYTHING the most gorgeous colour called Foxmount by Colourtrend.
But it was all worth it!

Above are two different angles to show off both the brass tap and the fab light. They’re two of my favourite things in the room! The tap was a such a good budget tap option and I put together a few more budget options right here.

I love that pic of the reflection shown on the glass doors. I just think it’s so pretty! Those baskets give loads of storage on top of the presses and you can just see our beautiful picnic basket we got as a wedding present. It doesn’t get used much to be honest, but I stare at it everyday so it’s staying where it is!

And finally, a few close up pics of the shelves. Baskets and pretty jars are the way to go! Beautiful to look and and functional too!
A quick before and after again…WOW!

Next week I’ll be announcing what room I’m going to tackle next and I have the moodboard ready to go! I can’t wait to show you! Fancy a guess what room it will be???