After finishing the guestroom I cannot wait another second to get started on our master bedroom! Our bedroom is ugly…so ugly! It hasn’t been touched since we’ve moved in and I cannot believe we’ve waited so long to do this! The decor in our guestroom is quite funky. While I also want to make our room modern, it’s really important to me to create a calming atmosphere. Soft lighting, neutral colours, cozy colours…you get the idea! There will be a little pop of colour somewhere in the room, I just haven’t decided where yet!
- Gold will be the main metal in the this room and isn’t this lamp from John Lewis just gorgeous?! Whatever lamp is put in a bedroom, it’s really important to make sure that you use a warm white lightbulb to create a cozy atmosphere.
- Don’t forget that greenery adds colour to any room! Maybe I might do a little research to see what plants are are best for purifying the air – we do spend seven hours a day in there!
- Space is pretty tight in this room, so to keep an airy feeling I want the bedside table to be very similar to this one – just one drawer on legs. But what I have in my head comes with a pretty high price tag so I think I’m going to DIY these.
- Due to the width of the room, we have to buy the shortest possible bedframe (again, on legs to keep that airy feeling). While I love fabric headboards, any beds with one are just that little bit too long – we could never open the wardrobe doors! Maybe I can add my own fabric to it? However, we will be upgrading to a king size bed which we’re very excited about!
- I’ve spent ages deciding on the colour of the walls of our master bedroom. I’m loving blush pink at the moment!! Even though Potter’s Glaze by Dulux doesn’t look very pinky, I think it’s going to be fab on!
- We will be removing old built-in wardrobes and in their place we will be putting the Ikea Pax wardrobe. There is a planner online that I’ve played around with a little and it’s brilliant, really easy to use! Hopefully putting it together will be just as easy.
- I love the look of these gold handles. If this was a kitchen, I would probably put in better quality handles. As it’s a bedroom I’ve sourced the look for less and ordered these handles for about
€ 25 altogether. - How absolutely amazing is this print from Desenio??!!! I spotted it on Pinterest yonks ago and tracked it down. Worth it though…I can’t wait to have it on my wall!