Two photos. The one on the left shows a living room with green walls and cream built ins. The photo on the left shows a small bathroom with a tree mural on the walls.

So, before I plan for next year, I’m giving a quick look back on whether we ticked everything off last year’s list. Short answer: no. 😂 I sorted out the plans and goals for 2023 over the weekend and there’s a lot to do! I haven’t quite gotten back into busy mode yet – and I really need to!! (Anyone else feeling the same?) But something very exciting is about to happen….hint: it’s about the garden!!

Last Year’s To-Do List…

The Tiny Bathroom Under Stairs

I’m giving myself a solid A+ on this one! The bathroom is completely finished and I absolutely love every square inch of it! I panelled a ceiling for the first time, hung the most beautiful mural on the walls (which was a bit of a nightmare to be honest) and re-stained a wooden mirror.

The Back Garden

A total fail. Nothing has happened here, but a chunk of that actually wasn’t our fault. We were let down by landscapers who had been hired to work on our garden, but basically didn’t show up. Thankfully we hadn’t given them a cent! But on our part, all of the design and materials have been bought so we kinda did as much as we could! Or am I just letting myself off the hook?! 

The Coat Closet/Kramer’s Area

Ok, I’m giving myself a C here. Nothing has been physically done here, but I have figured a way around the ridiculous €4,000 quote we were given to create a closet here! So, the design is pretty much finished and some of the materials have already been bought. Just waiting on a few little things and we’ll be good to go. My budget idea is also quick and easy so it won’t be a big project! (Famous last words!!)

Trev’s Office/Music Room

I’ve basically been kicked off of this project!!! 😂 I came in guns blazing with loads of ideas and Trevor is having none of it! He wants to totally take charge on this room, choosing paint colours, shelving design etc. and seeing as how I basically get to take charge on the rest of house, I’m leaving him at it! 😂

Living Room

It’s an A- for this room! It’s 95% finished. The main bit left is to rehang the mantle, I just haven’t quite figured out how because before it was attached to the hanging mirror above. We didn’t know until we took off the mirror! Anyway, I’m just been loving this room over Christmas. The green wall colour is so cozy…maybe even too cozy because I’ve been doing nothing but snuggling up on the couch looking at how gorgeous it is!! 🤣

Now that we’ve given a quick look at how we got on in 2022, it’s time to start planning for this year!!! Woo hoo!!

Goals for 2023

The Back Garden

Ok, I know I keep putting this on my list of goals, but this year it’s actually getting done!!! And let me tell you how I know…..The AMAZING news is that we met a landscaper over the weekend who we really liked. He laid the patio in a friend’s house and she has recommended him to other family member’s, all of whom were happy with his work. The downside, is that he only uses materials that he provides, so the patio tiles I had previously picked out won’t be an option.

But I think I found something that could work. And the even more amazing news is that he is doing work in our area NEXT WEEK and he said he will do our patio at the same time!!! In fact, there is a chance he could be here this Friday!!!! Does this sound too good to be true?!!!! I truly hope not! I’ll most certainly be keeping you updated!

The garden could be divided into a few larger projects…

  • Laying a new patio
  • Building a deck
  • Covering up the blockwork walls
  • Planting
  • Making and buying furniture
  • Getting a new side gate…I’m thinking of DIYing this!

We wouldn’t feel comfortable laying the new patio as we have some drainage issues that also need to be sorted. But everything else, we’re hopefully going to tackle ourselves. It will probably take until the summer to get everything else on the list ticked off the list and that would even be doing well to be honest! But so excited to be spending sunny days out there!!! One of my top goals for 2023!!!

The Stairs and Hallway

The above is a before picture taken even before the kitchen renovation! But to be honest all that has changed in the hallway is the floor!

The hallway and stairs are both such big projects, I could probably split them into two separate projects of their own. The stairs is going to be a big one! We are going to be removing the carpet, painting the stairs and I’m trying to figure out a way of making the balustrades more modern without having to change them. Any ideas are welcome!

And the hallway design is going to begin with the beautiful artwork I got in Edinburgh last Halloween. (Remember the one I got charged oversized baggage for on Ryanair! 😠) There is a chair rail on all the walls of the hallway, so I’m either going to wallpaper or DIY some decorative trim on the lower half. Hallways are a chance to go dramatic, like the utility room or a tiny bathroom. Will I embrace that or keep it light as it’s a pretty dark area of the house? Not sure yet…can I do both?

Kramer’s area

Another before taken ages ago! Thankfully the dining looks nothing like this anymore!

As I said earlier, this one is almost good to go, but it’s down on the list as the garden is a top priority now! Can’t wait for it though as his crate and that area in general is an eye sore. It’s kinda become a handy little dumping ground for awkwardly shaped things like golf clubs etc. So the design is going to have to fit around and cover up those!

What about you?

So you’ve seen our goals for 2023…I’d love to know if you have anything planned for your house this year?? Or maybe you’re focusing on the garden too? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. Jo
    January 18, 2023 / 8:52 am

    You’ve done well! Looking forward to seeing the garden and landscaping!

    • admin
      January 18, 2023 / 3:52 pm

      Me too!!! Ha ha!! Fingers crossed it goes to plan!

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