Guestroom Feature Wall

You’ll know from my mood board that starting this room I was seriously craving freshness. However, this meant that any white I was testing for the walls wasn’t giving me the zing I was looking for, so in the end I bought a big bucket of Woodies brand brilliant white paint. If you do ever use this paint, do not get freaked out when it rolls on looking quite greyish in colour. It does dry perfectly white. I’m not sure I could usually recommend brilliant white for a colour of a bedroom wall, as there are so many whites to choose from, but for me it was just what I wanted.

Apologies for terrible before photo, my camera card got corrupted – please tell me this happens other people too!!! The four walls were painted a very pale blue and the woodwork was very yellowed, so everything had to be repainted – radiator, door and trim. The condition of the walls were pretty terrible…no joke, there were 24 holes in the walls that had to be smoothed over before repainting. The photo here shows just one corner! Polyfilla and myself got to know each other pretty well!

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And oh my god, when I painted on that navy Colourtrend Peacock Blue I actually swooned!! It was exactly what I had envisioned, a beautiful, rich navy which dried with a true matt finish. Perfect!

I had decided not to go for a geometric wallpaper in the end as I wanted the navy wall a feature wall of it’s own. As a comprise I bought little triangular wall decals, scribbled out a pattern and stuck them on. If I ever feel like a change, these come off really easily.

Where NOT to buy feature wall decals!

Now…word to the wise….DO NOT DO WHAT I DID and buy your little gold triangles decals on Aliexpress. Sure they’re cheap, but will the money comfort you when they start falling off the wall thirty minutes later?! It was honestly painful to watch (and the amount of complaining I did was surely painful for my husband, ha!!) I thought I had put them on wrong, but no, they were just poor quality. So I decided to shop local and buy from They were in through my letterbox the next day and I was delighted with them! Stuck to the walls really easily and not one has budged! I’m really happy with how this feature wall has turned out!

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