Guest Room Picture Ledge

Next in the guestroom makeover was to tackle the bare wall opposite the bed. If you can remember from this post, I had to fill twenty four holes that were scattered around the walls of this room. Have I mentioned I’m now an expert when it comes to Polyfilling?!! Anway, I wanted to add lots of colour to this wall but the last thing I wanted to do was to start making a load of new holes. In the end I just had to drill four, panic over! I bought two Ikea picture ledge for only €6 each and they were really easy to hang.

We have yet to invest in something as fancy as a spirit level so…no joke…I used the Bubble Level app on my phone to double check these ledges were level. It actually worked perfectly! Handy to use if you were stuck, like us, though to be honest I obviously wouldn’t use it for a big project. You can see the screws clearly when it’s hanging, so cover them with those little white stickers that come in the box and strategically place items so they can’t be seen.

Styling this picture ledge

Now, what did I fill it with I hear you ask? I had branches in my mood board so while out for a walk one day I spotted this branch that had fallen – for once, thank you crappy Irish weather!!! It was a little tricky to make it stand on the ledge. If you look really closely there’s a command hook holding it up while the bottom of the branch is leaning against the ledge. I then wrapped it in pretty lights that were on sale in Penny’s for €3. The battery pack is hidden in the candle holder. I choose two books that match the colour on the navy wall and the pink lights. (In case you’re wondering, the books are a good read. Julian Fellows is the guy that wrote the tv series Downton Abbey)

On the top ledge is a painting that I got in Thailand years ago in my early twenties. I had no house to put it in but I immediately pictured it hanging on a white wall. I loved it and so I carried it while travelling around Thailand on buses, boats and trains. Isn’t it just typical I found it at the start of my trip? My friends thought I was nuts! 🙂 The candlesticks were a fab housewarming present. As you can see, I just stood one on a little box to vary the heights a little.

This wall was such a quick, simple job that only cost €12. I love those kind of jobs, don’t you?!!

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