Fancy having a beautiful patterned wall for €3??!!! Over the weekend, I took one look at this sad and lonely wall in the bedroom and decided it deserved a bit of love! It’s a narrow wall with a little rough plastering in the middle, a perfect place to hang a full length mirror – something that’s needed in every bedroom and I have missed having one in mine! So in less than two hours (and I’m pretty slow!) here’s what I did to create this DIY wallpaper…
Step 1
I sketched a VERY SIMPLE pattern. It took a while to finalise the design but simple is the key to success here. I made sure that the lines were all straight with easy angles. This obviously makes it much easier to draw! I used a long piece of wood we had lying around the place as my ruler to draw the lines. I chose this gold marker to match the handles on our wardrobes, but I’m sure any marker you have will do fine. **Update, I’ve since found out that an oil based paint pen like this one would be better to use. It would be easier to paint over when you want a change!**
Step 2
Next up was to hang the mirror! We bought the Ikea Nissedal mirror which was great value at €25. One thing to note is you absolutely need two people to hang it. This is mainly because it has hinges!!! Woo hoo!!!! I’ve never had anywhere to hang my necklaces, though after ‘sparking joy’ using the Marie Kondo method I actually don’t have many necklaces left!! 🙂
Step 3
When I opened the mirror I wanted to see all the necklaces hanging really neatly. So I organised them by length beforehand, so I could be sure where to tack in the nails. I used these lovely little gold nails which may be small but they are mighty!! Where do you keep your jewellery?
Before After
If you want another method for a DIY wallpaper than check out the feature wall of our guest room. Another budget friendly, wall update!