That time has come around again when I try completing the One Room Challenge. This year, I have chosen our dining room and already I cannot wait to see end result!!!! If you haven’t heard of it, basically it’s a design challenge where you completely makeover a room in 8 weeks. This will now be my third time doing it and it’s a great motivator to get sh*t done! In the past, I’ve redesigned our yellow guest room and our utility room. Though you can see from my last post, I actually only finished that room recently…only about a year too late!!!
To really keep the motivation going this time, we’ve booked in friends of ours to stay the weekend of the reveal. Nothing like avoiding house embarrassment to keep you sticking to a deadline!!! Wish me luck!
Let’s Take a Look at the Dining Room Right Now
So the dining room has been completely cleared out of everything that won’t be used in the future. Which basically leaves the dining table and six dining chairs. The place is looking so bare, I’m cringing showing you these photos!! But it means the after photos will be even more dramatic I suppose! The plan for this side of the room is to re-stain the dining table and take that orangey colour from it. The dining chairs are just a bit too dark, especially next to the black kitchen. But they are also the most comfortable dining chairs ever so I won’t be changing the actual chairs. Instead I’m going to try making slipcovers for them. I also have the light pendant, curtains and the curtain rail all ready to go for here too!
Here’s the other side of the room and the plan is to add artwork, a wine rack and a fauxdenza on that wall with the picture light. You can see Kramer’s crate in the alcove at the back. We want to put built-in storage here and I’ve been getting quotes but so far they are way out of our budget. Maybe that’s because I want dark wood with a fluted detail like you can see above! 🙂 This probably won’t be finished in time for the reveal, but that’s out of my control really. We’ll keep our fingers crossed it will get finished!
A big part of the One Room Challenge in sharing ideas and inspiration so it’s well worth checking out the One Room Challenge blog where 20 featured designers are chosen and they are always well worth following. You can also see the hundreds of other participants (like me!) and check how they are getting along!